The following article "Iran and Azerbaijani Language" published in is an important article that presents the views and the dilemas of Azeri Turk leadership of Iranian government.
According to the University of Michigan website the Turkish languages are classified according to this scheme: The Turkic languages, belonging to the Altaic language family, may be classified into four groupings linguistically and geographically:
- I. Northwestern (Kipchak)
- Bashkir, Crimean Tatar, Karachay-Balkar, Karaim,
- Karakalpak, Kazakh, Kazan Tatar, Kumyk, Nogai.
- II. Northeastern (Siberian) group
- Altai, Kyrgyz, Khakass, Shor, Tofa, Tuvanian, Yakut, Yellow Uighur.
- III. Southwestern (Oghuz) group:
- Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Turkish, Turkmen.
- IV. Southeastern (Chagatai) group:
- Salar, Uighur, Uzbek.
- V. Chuvash.
In other words Azeri and Anatolian Turkish are in the same category and they belong to Oghuz Turk languages. Oghuz Turks came to Iran between 11 and 15 century and settled in Azerbaijan. Any theory about Azeris in Azerbaijan should address these facts. As we will see how the Azeri Turk author of the article avoids these realities and creates an imaginary history for Azeris and suggests solutions that only shows the primitive nature of Azeri Turk ruling elite in Tehran.
On the question of Azeri turk ethnic group in Iran the regime faces the following dilema with different policy implications which has entirely different consequences for the ruling class and their relation with the general population in Iran.
First option is to continue the polices of Shah's regime as they have done for the last 27 years and call Azeri turks for "Turkified Aryan Iranians" who are allegedly been turkified by Oghuz Turks from 11 century to the 15 century. That is Azeris are "Iranians" who have lost their language and adopted Turkish language because of Oghuz Turks invasion of Iran. Some Azeris are under strong influence of this theory. Those Azeris think if they refuse to speak in Azeri language or foget the Azeri language, they will be "de-turkified" and "turn into Persians". That is the case with some Azeris that live mostly in Tehran. This option will lead to a stronger protest movement in Azerbaijan for ethnic and cultural rights and can generate momentum for an independent Azerbaijan State which can form a union with The Republic of Azerbaijan and even Turkey.
Second Option is to recognize Azeris in Iran as a turkish ethnic group who have a turkish origin and are not related to the natives of Iran who have non-turkish origins. In other words "Azeris are really turks and nobody has forced them to speak Azeri Turkish language". Related to this option is to recognize Azeri Turk language as an official language and granting full ethnic rights to Azeri Turks. In short term this option will go half way to meet the demands of Azeri Turks in Azerbaijan and it may strenghten the regime in Tehran on a short term basis. But the long term effects of this option will generate a lot of complications which regime will not be able to solve and speed up the down fall of the regime in Tehran.
The long term consequences of this option are the following: If Azeri Turk language is recognized as an official language of Iran then demands will be raised from Azeris that Azeri language should be used all over Iran by the government administration. In other words Iran would be declared a bilingual country where all documnets should be produced in both languages. This is similar to European countries where they have two languages as the official language.
Next there would be a demand for population census to see which language speakers are the majority. Azeri Turks state that Azeris are a majority of the population of Iran that is Azeris are the biggest ethnic minority in Iran which is a correct statement. Then according to rules of democracy Azeri Turk language will be the primary official language of Iran. Just to make sure Azeri Turks are the majority of Iran, there can be a union of The Repbulic of Azerbaijan in the north with Iran and that would gaurantee such a majority.
Next step would be to degrade the Persian history and civilization as some mythical and remote historical event which is not really related to the current realities of Iran and Azeri Turk history and civilization as the real driving force of Iran. This policy is actually already pursued by many western publications and media which dismiss Persia as a comic story. The movie "300" is a good example of this policy.
Also the existence of Persians in Iran is denied and Persians are called "Iranians" which are of a different race and ethnicity from the ancient Persians. "Iranians" are regarded as turks by some western institutions such as University of Chicago which has produced genetic charts "showing Iranians" to be related to Anatolian turks and the The Republic of Azerbaijan in Caucasus. Actually there is no "Iranian ethnicity" in Iran as it is claimed by these "research institutions". "Iranian" simply means the citizens of Iran and has no racial, ethnic or historical significance.
On the other side these policies would generate a counter force by the natives of Iran and will lead to stronger ethnic identity and opposition to the current pan turkist regime. That is why the regime in Tehran has made a lot of noise about "Persian Empire" and "Persian ancient history" to channel these forces into regime's proper political channels in order to control these forces. It also tries to present the pan turk regime in Tehran as a "Persian Chauvinist" regime!!!! That would strengthen the "Iranian" cover of this pan turk regime making it easier to carry out their pan turkish policies.
Are Azeris "Iranians"??"
Azeris try to attach themselves to the natives of Iran anyway they can to maintain state power. So they have invented something called "Iranian Race". Azeris call themselves "Iranians"!! To the natives of Iran "Iranian" means a citizen of Iran regardless of ethnicity. That is an Iranians could be persian, Azeri Turk, Arab, Jew, Assyrian, Turcoman or anybody else. To Azeri Turks "Iranian" means a race which they imagine they are members of this "Iranians Race". They include some natives of Iran in this race and exclude others such as Jews and Assyrians and Arabs.
There is no "Iranian Race" or ethnicity in Iran. So Azeris add Shia Islam religion to the definition of this race. That is because Azeris have Shia religion then they are members of "Iranian Race". Actually religion is not related to ethnicity as there are both Suni Kurds and Shia Kurds. But all of them are Kurds.
In addition very few care about Shia or Sunni religion in the whole region. The only one who cares about religion is US who wants to ignite religous war in Iraq in order to control all sides and act as an intermediary between "Shia and Sunni " Iraqis.
Also natives of Iran have been Zoarastrians for thousands of years and Shia Islam religion was forced on the natives of Iran in 15 century A.D. by an Azeri Turk dynasty called Saffavids. Superficially the natives of Iran are Shia moslems but in reality they have kept all their Zoarastrians culture and traditions such as Nowrous (the new year) , Zoarastrian Solar Year system and many other Zoarastrian traditions. The only ones who are really fanatic Shia Moslems in Iran are Azeri Turks themselves who do not have a Zoarastrian culture. The Azeri Pan Turks in power in Iran tried to illegalize all Zoarastrian traditions and even forbid the Nowrooz celebarations but failed to impose it on the natives of Iran.
Another component of Azeri Turk "Iranian Race Theory" is anti-Arabism. Azeri Turks look very different from the natives of Iran. So Azeri Turks promote the propoganda that the natives of Iran are "mixed up with arabs". This way Azeri Turks can present themselves as "Persians who are mixed with Arabs"!!!. The reality is Arabs have gene marker EU10 Haplogroup and nobody in Iran has this genemarker except for some few arabs in Khuzestan!!!! So the whole Azeri Turk "Iranian Race Theory" collapses under careful examinations.
Also comparing Arabs in Khuzestan with Azeri Turks, Arabs in Khuzestan province are thousand times more native and indigenous to Iran than the Alien Azeri Turk tribes from Caucasus.
The last component of Azeri Turk ideology is to present Turks as mongols and presenting themselves as "Caucasian Iranians". The reality is mongols are not turks and their language belongs to a different class. Azeri Turk language is not related directly to mongolian languages. That clears and refutes any theory about the "Turkification of Azeri Turks" by mongols. Azeri Turks are the real Turks.
What is Iranian????
Azeri Turks use the term Iranian a lot. But does it mean the same thing to everybody. As we will see the term Iranian means entirely different thing to different ethnicities.
The concept of nationality such as French, German or Swede has taken hundred of years to develop. There has not been such a development in Iran as production relations are still very backward. So Iranian is not the same thing as German or French or even American in Iran.
The link that the natives of Iran were related in the pre-Islamic period was Zoarastrian religion. Kurd, Baluch Persians and other natives were linked with a common Zoarastrian religion. Islam introduced a higher level into this identity and it was called Moslem. That is even non-Zoarastrians were related to the natives of Iran as moslems. Islam did not replace the Zoarastrian identity but simply introduced a higher level of idenity above the natives identity.
The term "Iranian" did not exist in Iran until 18 century which it was introduced to Iran by the Azeri Turks who wanted to include themselves in hisotry and cultural identity of the natives of Iran. "Iranian" identity did not exist until 18 century despite the term "Iran" existed since ancient time. These two terms "Iran" and "Iranian" have entirely different meanings and implications.
Azeri Turks believe that simply because the term "Iran" has existed then there must have been Iranians which is entirely wrong.
"Iran Zamin" was used by Ferdowsi around 10 century A.D. in his book Shahnameh. But countrary to what Azeri Turks claim, Ferdowsi was refering to "Iran Zamin" as Tous (khorasan) Balkh, Kabul, Herat, Kandahar (Afghanistan) and Samarkhand and Bukhara (Uzbekistan). He never mentions Tehran, Azerbaijan or Isfahan or Tabriz as "Iran-Zamin"
When the term "Iranian" was introduced in 18 century by Azeri Turks in Iran, the natives simply replaced "Moslem" with "Iranian". Formally "Iranian" means the citizen of Iran. Anybody can be "Iranian" regardless of ethnicity. So contrary to what Azeri Turks claim, Iranian does not mean "the ancient Iranian aryan tribes such as Persians, Parthians, Bactrians, Sogdians, Scythians etc".
The term "Iranian" as "citizens of Iran" was turned into "Iranian Race". This way Azeri Turks included themselves into a non-existant "Iranian Race". Also "Iranian Race" became an agenda for Azeri Turks and Azeri Turks have started massive migration into non-azeri areas of Iran in order to creat their "Iranian Race".
Also Azeri Turks falsified Persian History and changed the term "Persian Empire" into "Iranian Empire". This way Azeri Turks became participants in an imaginary history of Iran.
Similary Azeri Turks do not have the concept of "Iranian" in their Azeri culture. What they replaced was not even Moslem identity but their own Azeri Turk Tribal identity that was replaced with the term "Iranian". So to Azeri Turks "Iranian" means an Azeri Turk member of "Azeri Turk Tribe". In Azeri Turk cultural identity the concept of "Moslem" does not even exist as they regard other Moslems as alien to their culture. This is despite all their claims to be Shia. Most of their Shiaism is theatrical show and they do not believe in anything beyond their azeri turk tribe. On this shows they go even to extreme with Shia ceremonies such as flogging and injuring themselves with sharp objects in order to impress the audience that they are really Moslems. Ordinary Moslems do not need this kind of behaviour to convince others that they are moslems.
Azeri Turks are not Moslems has been reported by Ottoman Turks, Afghans, and Arab sources for hundreds of years but nobody has been able to prove it. It was based mostly on strange rituals and ceremonies held by Azeri Turk shiaism and forced nature of converting people into Shia religion in direct contradiction with the traditions of Islam.
Concepts such as as German, French and British or American requires high level of industrial, social and capitalist development which is not the case with Iran.
For Azeri Turks "Iranian" is a race which they are a member of that race. That race is an Azeri Turkish race with Oghuz Turks as their origin. By "Iranian" they mean Azeri Turk tribe. That is Iranian. Anybody who is included in their Azeri Turk tribe is considered "Iranian". Others are aliens to the "Iranian" tribe. Therefore most people in Iran actually are not "Iranian" to Azeri Turks. They are part of an alien race that Azeri Turks can use, exploit, rob, steal, jail and murder.
That is the reason that most of the security forces, basijs and hezbollah in Iran are actually Azeri Turks. They show no sympathy on any natives of Iran and freely shoot on people without any concern. The only place they are careful is Tehran and Azerbaijan. "Iranian" is used as a cover for Azeri Turks to hide behind and cheat and rob other people who are not aware of the real meaning of Iranian to Azeri Turks.
To the natives of Iran, "Iranian" is not really the citizen of Iran but it is an equal concept of Moslem. For the natives of Iran, a Iraqi, a Anatolian Turk, Afghan or Turkmen or Arab are as "Iranian" as anybody else. They show the same respect to these people as they were natives of Iran. They look at other natives of Iran not as "Iranian" but as Kurd, Lur, Khorasani, Mashhadi, Shirazi, Gilani and Mazandarani , Kermani etc.
And this the secret to the power of Azeri Turks in Iran. They use the term "Iranian" to cheat and rob the natives of Iran of all their resources. Natives of Iran are not aware of the true meaning of "Iranian" to these Azeri Turks.
What has created an enormous problem for Azeri Turks is that the natives of Iran has started to use the term Persian which excludes Azeri Turks from the "Iranian" identity. The term "Persian" has started to undermine the whole regime and has created a mass movement against the regime as another type of identity is developing in Iran which can make a distinction between an Azeri Turk and the natives of Iran. All the efforts of Azeri Turks to force themselves into the "Persian" identity has failed and it seems that they are not able to find any solutions. Some of them suggest changing the name of the country to "Persia". Other Azeri Turks have started to claim that the term "Persian" is a "CIA Conspiracy". Others try to associate the term "Persian" with Jews or Parsees in India. In reality Parsees in India are not an ethnic group but a religous group as most of them have been integrated to the India society and very few left with their Persian ethnic identity.
Do Azeris look like "Persians"?
Azeris claim that they look like Persians and it is not possible to tell the difference between an Azeri and a "Persian".
The reality is something very different. Firstly "Persians" are not a homogenous group. Persians in Iran have different origin. Some are related to the civilization in Mesopotemia. Some Persians are related to local civilizations such as Elam, Kashan, Jiroft etc. Some Persians have Aryan origin such as Parthian, Bactrian, Sogdian and Original Persians in Pars province and Khorasan. The persians with Aryan origin is only about %10 of the population. But all these persians share common culture, Zoarastrian religion, Persian language, Persian history and civilization and even to some extent ethnicity with each other. Persians are also closely related to Baluchs and Kurds.
Azeris claim they look like "Persians" and point to Tehran as a "Persian City" where both Azeris and Persians live. Also Azeri Turks claim there is a lot of inter-marriage between Persians and Azeri Turks in Tehran and also Azeri Turks are astonished to see some people speak Azeri language in Tehran.
The reality is something entirely different. %70-%80 of Tehran are Azeri Turks. There is a lot of inter-marriage between Azeri Turks and other Azeri Turks in Tehran and also Azeri Turks are very similar to other Azeri Turks. Some Azeri Turks claim they are "Persians" and some admit that they are Azeri Turks. So it gives the impression that Azeri Turks look like "Persians".
Azeri Turks mostly hide their origin and state Persian cities as their origin. Azeri turks claim they are from Mashhad, Shiraz, Caspian Region or they are Lurs. For an outsider who does not even know how a Persian look like, it is very easy to believe Azeri Turks look like Persians.
Also the Azeri Turk regime inTehran tries to confuse people about Azeri identity and phenotypes. The Azeri turk regime strongly promotes Gogoosh, a Persian singer, as a "typical azeri turk". Gogoosh is an ethnic persian whose family has lived in Caucasus and that is why she can speak Azeri language. But she has always stressed in all her interviews that she is not Azeri but ethnically a Persian. After receiving bags of money from the regime, she has changed her view and now Gogoosh claims she is Azeri Turk.!!!!
Strangely the other "Azeri Turk" promoted by regime is Farah Pahlavi, the Shah's wife. Although the Shah himself was related to Azeris, Farah Pahlavi is an ethnic Persian from Mazandaran province in the caspian region. Farah Pahlavi has a typical persian phenotype, speaks with a Persian accent and not an Azeri Turk accent, and displays a Persian culture in her speech and manners. Even if Azeris may change their face with plastic surgery and learn to speak Persian with a Persian accent, to change the culture and manner of speech related to Persians is an impossibility for Azeri Turks as Persian Culture can not be learned in 6 months even if somebody can learn American culture in 6 months. It takes thousands of years to learn Persian culture and it is a barrier that can not be overcome by Azeri Turks.
This is what Azeri Turks say about Gilani and Mazandarani:
"The Mazandarani and Gilaki groups fall inside a major cluster consisting of populations from the Caucasus and West Asia and are particularly close to the South Caucasus groups—Georgians, Armenians, and Azerbaijanians"
In other words, they claim Mazandarani and Gilani as subgroups of Azeri Turks.
Slideshow: Phenotypes
Azeris and Oghuz Turks
If Azeris are descedants of Oghuz Turks and they are really turks, then what happened to original inhabitants of Azerbaijan region in Western Iran. It can lead to only one conclusion that is those people have been murdered by the immigranting Oghuz Turks or driven away from these regions such as Kurds who were exiled in million to northern Khorasan. To claim "intermarriage" between Azeri Turks and "Medes"!!!!! who had disappeared thousand years before 11 century would lead back to "Iranian Aryan Azeri" theory which was promoted by "Persian Chauvinist" such as Kasravi!!!! who was actually an Azeri himself!!!!! The murder and exile of Kurds from this region is really what happened but it is not politically expedient for the ruling regime in Tehran to accept.
So the article tries to find another solution. That is to claims Azeri Turks were original inhabitants of Azerbaijan since ancient times or Azeris have been in Azerbaijan for 8000 years as some pan turks claim. And Azeri Turks have been speaking Azeri Turk language in this region since ancient times. But Azeri Turks are only related to Azeris in Caucasus only and they have nothing to do with anatolian turks who speak a very closely related turkish language and who also originate from Oghuz turks. So according to the author there was a China wall between Iran and Ottoman Turkey and Oghuz turks could not enter Iran. They only went to Turkey!!!!! Oghuz Turks probably recieved only transit visas to pass through Iran to reach Turkey!!!!
Subsequently the author creates some mythical "Persian Chauvanist" who have claimed some dialects of Persian Pahlavali called "Ancient Azari" language was spoken in this area before Oghuz Turks came and rejects these claims. In reality whatever language was spoken in this region by native tribes such as Kurds and others, those people are either dead or have been driven away from the area by the Oghuz Turks and there is no dispute with the author that those people do not live in this region anymore. But the author claims Azeri Turks did not originate from Oghuz Turks but are Turks native to Iran since ancient time!!!!
The whole issue of language is actually very minor issue as what the author is going to suggest next. The author introduces two keywords in his article that has a great significance. These keywords are "mingling" and "inter-marriage". When the readers thought the Azeri Turk elite has given up on "Azeri Iranian Aryans" theory, you can see that it is introduced back into the new theory.
The author starts talking about unity of Turks. One would imagine that the author means the unity of Azeris in Iran and Northern Azeris in Caucasus. But the reader is completely wrong. The author is not interested in Azeris in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Next one think of unity with Turcomans who live in Khorasan. No!!!! The author is not interested in Turcomans either. Is the author may be by any chance interested in the unity with the Anatolian Turks. No!!!! Do not even mention it.!!! The author is only very interested in some un-named turks who live in Khamse!!!!
Quote: "It is generally thought that in the land of Persia, nothing is spoken but Persian, and few are aware that Turkish is widespread throughout Iran. It is perhaps even more common than Persian, and many Iranians themselves, if asked if Turkish is spoken in their country, would reply, “Sure, in some provinces like Azerbaijan and Khamse,”"
Where is this Khamse????? Very few Azeris have heard about Khamse!!!! Nobody knows where this Khamse is. Who are these Turks who live in Khamse?? Khamse is a code word for something else. The Qashaqii tribes in Fars province live in a region called Khamse. But that is very strange. Qashaqaiis are in no way related to Azeri Turks. Qashqaiis are combination of Persian and turk tribes who have built a confederation. They speak a turkish language RELATED to TURCOMANS and not Azeri language. But ethnically they are not even related to TURCOMANS. Qashaqiis display mostly Persian phenotypes. In addition to that Qashqaiis have Persian culture which Azeri Turks do not have. My Persian wife knows Qashqaiis very well as she has gone to school with them in Iran.
So why Azeri Turk author is so interested in Khamse???? According to some sources Qashqaiis actually have Aryan origin and are one of the purest Iranians. They have almost the same clothing as Bakhtiary persian tribes. So it is very possible that Qashqaiis have Parthian origin that is in one of the Persian tribes in North East Iran and Central Asia.
Why a Persian looking tribe speaks a language related to Turcomans?? It is very logical as Parthians lived in Turcomenstan before Turcomans migrated there, so Qashqaiis originate from Parthians. Parthians also established settlements in Pars province even under Parthian Empire. Bakhtiarys a neighbor tribe to Qashqahiis are direct desdendants of Parthians and their Persian language has many Parthian words too. So actually Qashqaiis are not really Turks.
Also the author uses the keywords "mingling" and "inter-marriage". But Qashqaiis live in Fars province long away from Azeri Turks in Tehran and Azerbaijan. So what does he means by that???? Does he mean Qashqaiis have "mingled" and "inter-married" with Azeri Turks over such a great distance!!!!
The answer to these puzzles are solved when the Azeri turk author states that some of them have "migrated" or really have been moved to Tehran. Now the question is why Qashqaiis should move to Tehran for jobs when they are sitting next to the biggest oil and gas reserves in the world in their neighborhood!!!! The answer is "mingling" and "inter-marriage" with Azeri Turks!!!!
Also note that the Azeri Turk author states that:"As for the other parts of Iran, the majority of the people there are not Turks, but there are many among the tribesmen and villagers who are. An exception is the province of Kerman and the districts of Gilan, Mazandaran, Kurdestan, Lurestan, etc., in which there are no Turks except those who have migrated there recently, and they do not consider themselves to be true residents of these provinces."
The question is why these Azeri Turks are migrating to Gilan and Mazandaran and Kurdestan and Lurestan. These areas have no jobs to give to Azeri Turks and Azerbaijan has the lowest unemployment rate in the whole Iran? There has been reports of clashes in Mazandran where a whole village with their residents were wiped out. The Mazandarani villagers were either jailed or fled the area. Azeri Turks claimed that they are building "The University of Amol" in that area!!!!
What the author is telling Azeris is this: Azeris you are turks and you are no Aryans. You never "mingled" or "inter-mingled" with the natives of Iran as the structure of a tribe does not permit that in ancient history. But we are going to correct our mistakes. We control the state in Iran and we will use the state to "mingle" and "inter-mingle" with the natives of Iran. We will use the natives as sex objects so that we become "Aryan Azeri Turks". The author also constantly refers to turkish language as a "second beautiful wife" as if they are going to use seeghan or polygamy to achieve their objectives.
Quote: "Turkish is like a beautiful girl who sits idly beside an unveiled second wife who enchants the heart with her jewelry and bewitches the mind with her adornments."
To impress western readers the azeri turk author even grants the title of Persians to the people of Qazvin and Tehran!!!! He calls Tehran and Qazvin for Persian cities!!! Just to mention that Tehran is 70-80% are Azeri Turks. No need to discuss Qazvin!!!
Why the author is making these statements when everybody in Iran knows that Tehran or Qazvin are actually Azeri Turk cities and not Persian cities??
Quote: "Most villages and tribes in the provinces of Khorasan? and Fars? and the districts of Hamadan and Qazvin and `Eraq? and Astarabad are Turks, and travelers wandering the streets and alleys of Tehran have been astonished?? at seeing the villagers walking about speaking in Turkish. Some of these had migrated from Azerbaijan and Khamse in recent years and stay in the cities and no longer consider themselves to be from their land of origin, but from these cities."
"The Turks and Persians in Iran are not like two separate heaps, but like a chessboard during a game in which each player has penetrated the other´s ranks and the black pieces have mingled with the white ones:"
Nobody is astonished that people talk in Azeri Turk language in Tehran and Qazvin as the majority are Azeri Turks. The reason for these statements are very simple. The author is trying to convey the impression to western readers that Iran looks like USA and every city and every region is mixed up with Azeri Turks which is not correct but it is an agenda which Azeri Turk regime in Tehran is pursuing.
Also Qashqaiis speaking a turkish language has nothing to do with Azeri Turks. Qashqaiis are an indigenous people to Fars province both ethnically and culturally. Azeri Turks are not indigenous to Fars province. Nobody notices that presence of Qashqaiis in Fars province as they share the same culture as the rest of people in the province. But a massive migration of Azeri Turks into Fars province has disastarous social consequences for the population as they are totally aliens to that society. That is why Iran is not USA.
The Azeri Turk author also admits the problems they are facing to carry out their "Azeri Turk Racial Nazi Nationalism" objectives as it describes Iran as a chessboard where every move by Azeri Turks faces a counter move by the natives of Iran.This article compeletly exposes the racial agenda of these Pan Azeri Turk elite in Iran.
Iran is not a "melting pot" nation and is not similar to US. Iran is a multi ethnic country where different ethnicities have kep their ethnic identity for thousands of years and which has been the main obstacle to Azeri Turks gaining total political control in Iran. That is why Azeri Turks are making a lot of noise about "separatism" and have murdered many Baluchs, Kurds and Iranian Arabs recently. Also US is helping Azeri Turks with presenting a lot of theatrical shows and proving that US is promoting "ethnic separatism in Iran". In reality US is promoting "The Policy of Turkification of Iran" and centralization of power in hands of Azeri Turks.
This is a primitive Azeri Turk elite culture from Caucasus which is different and incompatible with the history and culture of the natives of Iran. Their policy was summed up in a concise statement by an Azeri Turk. He stated: "Iran is not a tribal nation anymore. We are a beutiful Azeri Turk Iranian nation." And these policies by Azeri Turks are financed and sponspored by the western backers of Azeri Turks in Iran for their strategic and economic interest.
Azeri Turks have a right to demand their ethnic and cultural rights. This is supported by all natives of Iran. At the same time the natives have a right to demand their ethnic and cultural rights too as the whole mass media in Iran is dominated by Azeri Turks who are trying to impose an Azeri Turk culture on the rest of Iran. Because of special political conditions in Iran, the pan turks in Tehran do not use Azeri language but use the persian language to promote their objectives.
The Policy of Turkification of Iran is also confirmed by other Azeri Turk writers who promote the Pan Turks in Tehran. Mr. Ben Madadi writing in also confirms these policies but from the Azeri Pan Turk regime's viewpoint. Mr. Madadi calls this policy for "Aryanization of Azeri Turks" by the "Persian Chauvanist regime in Tehran!!!" who wants to "aryanize Azeri Turks"!!!!!.
Ben Madadi Quote: "And this is where we find the reason behind all this attempt to Aryanise Azerbaijanis. Taking into account the mass migration of Azerbaijanis (mostly due to lack of investment!!!!! in the region) to Tehran and other Persian areas of Iran it is also very possible that the 24% is no more representative and Azerbaijanis, even taking into account those who consider themselves Azeris in Tehran and other non-Azerbaijani areas, may be somewhere below 20% of the total population."
Mr. Madadi claims that as a consequence of the policy "the Aryanization of Azeri Turks" the number of Azeris will go down in IRAN!!!! Fortunetly or unfortunately for Mr. Madadi, we can assure him that the policy of "Turkification of Iran" will actually increase the number of Azeri Turks in Iran!!!! This is because of the Laws of Genetics where the dominant Azeri Turk genes will predominate and there will be more Azeri Turks in Iran and not less. On the other hand there will be less of natives of Iran!!!!! I am sorry to tell Mr. Ben Madadi that the Azeri Turks will never become "Aryans"!!!! Azeri Turks will remain Azeri Turks!
See also: The The Policy of Turkification of Iran
Pan Turkism and Russia and Turkey
Also Iran as an Azeri Turk country poses a great security risk to Russia as pan Turkism can be promoted in the whole central asia. This would change the balance of forces in the region to the favor of US as opposed to today's situation where Russia is a dominant power in the region. And this is the reason Azeri Turks are promoted by the US, both under Clinton and Bush Administrations.
Pan Turkism in Iran is not an ally of the Pan Turks in Turkey as they have different agenda and objectives. Pan Turkism in Iran does not use turkish language as its medium for their policies as this is not feasable because of the political conditions in Iran at present time. But that may change in near future. It tries to impose its Azeri Turk culutre on the other people under the banner of "Pan-Iranism". It is necessary to point out that Azeri Turks in Iran do not have any "Iranian" or "Persian "culture" as it is evident for the last 27 years of their rule in Iran.
Also Pan Turkism in Iran has a religious character as opposed to the anotolian secular version of Pan Turkism. That is why Pan Turkism in Iran poses even a security risk to Turkey as the Azeris might even try to impose their own version of Pan Turkism on Turkey. That is why Turkey is re-considering its alliances and distancing itself from US and may even form an alliance with Russia to oppose Azeri Pan Turks in Iran. This is actually what happened at the end of Saffavids dynasty in 1722 when both Russia and Ottomans together invaded Iran.
Also note by Pan Turkism, we do not mean the people of Azerbaijan who are demanding their ethnic rights. But we mean Azeri Turks pretending to be "Iranian Nationalist" and are sitting in Tehran and control the regime in Iran.
Classes and Ethnicity in Iran
Azeri pan turks claim that the Pan turk regime in Tehran is a class based regime and it does not represent Azeri Turks. Instead Azeri pan turks promote "the struggle for democracy and human rights" and try to impose the ideology of American Liberals who are the real sponsors of Azeri pan turk regime on Iran. They talk about "pluralism", "democracy", "diversity", "affirmative action for poor minorities such as Azeri Turks", "need to spread Azeri Turks all over Iran to achieve diversity"!!!!!!.
Affirmative action means that "poor oppressed Azeri Turks" should get the best jobs and education on a priority basis because they are oppressed by the "Persian Chauvanist regime of Iran"!!!!
Also Azeri Pan Turks will introduce legislation copied from their American sponsors about "laws against racial and ethnic hatred". That is if the natives of Iran protest against the Azeri Pan Turk regime agenda for the natives, they will be called racist and severley prosecuted for "racial hate crimes"!!!!
The Azeri Pan Turk regime in Tehran has executed 100.000's since 1979. The ancestors of these Azeri Turks, the Saffavids murdered millions of Zoarastrians and Kurds and exiled millions of Kurds to North East Iran. The racial nazi policies of these Azeri Pan Turks such as "Aryanization of Azeri Turks" as described clearly by Mr. Ben Madadi in is completely ignored by the American sponsors of these Azeri Turks. Instead anybody criticising these polices is called "lunatic racist"!!!!
This ideology is very similar to what American liberals promote for African Americans in US and it is copied by Azeri Turks in Iran.
It is important to point out that the regime started with a rudimentary form of class based regime under Ayattollah Khomeini in 1979. But the regime evolved into a complete Azeri Pan Turk tribal regime ending with Mr. Ahmadinejad. This is confirmed even by most leading figures inside the regime stating that the regime in Tehran has no "Persian or Iranian" character.
The reason for this is that Iran is a tribal society and the "Revolution" in 1979 accentuated these tendencies into tribalism in Iran. On the subject of "Revolution" I refer to my blog "Islamic Fundamentalism Made in US".
That is the reason why general slogans for "Democracy and Human Rights" has no effect on this Azeri Pan Turk regime in Tehran and it can only be brought down on ethnic lines.
What is needed is a Karim Khan Zand from Lur tribes or Mirwais Khan Hotak Pashtoon from Kandahar who brought down the ancestor to this regime, The Saffavids in 1722 historically. And those kind of leaders are needed today.
Currently Kurds and Baluchs are leading the struggle but once the rest of natives including Persians join the ranks of Baluchs and Kurds then the end of regime is near.
Also the natives of Iran should understand that democracy will not solve the problem of ethnicities as it would lead to further turkification of Iran. As we will see later the Azeri ruling elite in Iran will not permit a separate Persian state and want to hang to their power and priviliges so they are proposing a different path. This is the path of "racial azeri turk nationalism" based on the Azeri Turk Saffavids models which is comparable to Nazism Racial policies by the Hitler in the modern time. That is to carry out state racial policies and attempt to change the ethnic composition of the country for political reasons.
For the natives of Iran it is best not to fall into trap of slogans for demcoracy as it will only lead to speedy turkification of Iran. Azeri turks as a majority population will be able to turn Iran into a turkish state and the rules of democracy will permit that. So what remains for the natives is to demand is a federal state at the first stage, and a separate state based on Persian culture and traditions apart from an Azeri turk state.
Persians should demand democracy for a Persian state and not for a Turkish state in Iran. We use a "Persian State" as the term "Iranian State" has been distorted to mean "Azeri Turks". The Persian state is the primary goal for all natives of Iran regardless of their ethnicity. Azeri Turks should also build their own state separate from a Persian state.
See also: The The Policy of Turkification of Iran
Persians and Hollywood
Are there Persians in Iran?
Azeri Turks
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Regrettably, from one side, the irresponsible policies of the Leadership in Iran, continues to undermine the moderate Islamic states ofthe region, and its belligerence towards the secular systems of Turkey and the Republic of Azarbaijan, still persists. On the other side, irresponsible statements, such as "liberation of the Southern Azarbaijan" or resuscitating new versions of the long defunct ethnocentric Pan-Turkism by some leaders and writers, in Turkey and especially in the Republic of Azarbaijan, are exacerbating the problems between Iran and these neighbors. Those statements, will provide an excuse to some separatist elements to use some language similarities, for their misguided intentions. The Azarbaijan that has freed itself, after 73 years, from Soviet domination and communist ideology, ought to realize and should know better that the revival of Pan-Turkism or Pan- Turanism, is as harmful to their national interest as fundamentalism or Pan-Islamism is to Iran. Pan-Turkists, are in essence, advocating and injecting an artificial, imperialistic and inflammatory issue to the region. Although this idea is in conflict with the ideals of Turkish founding father, Kamal Ataturk, and does not enjoy a serious following in Turkey and the Republic of Azarbaijan, but raising the specter of racial and ethnic conflict could cause serious troubles for the region.
I cant help myself stop laughing!!!
khoda shafaat bede!!!
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